Thursday, October 22, 2009

Need prayers

I have no idea what's going on, but I have had a headache for at least a week and a half, probably close to two weeks now though. At first, it just seemed like a headache. Every couple months I will get a headache daily, but it will go away with ibuprofen. For the first couple of days it did. I also had a slight sore throat, but nothing major (and still do). Then the headache wasn't going away at all. It feels....IDK how to describe pressure, or like my head is swollen. And hot. I haven't run a fever at all this entire time, but the inside of my head feels hot. So pray it's nothing major. I don't think it's a migraine because I haven't had any nausea or light sensitivity.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

50 Questions

1. Where were you three hours ago? at home

2. Who are you in love with? Husband and kids

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Not that I can recall

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Does a stain on the carpet count? *sigh*

5. When was the last time you went to the mall? Yesterday with the husband, lol

6. Are you wearing socks right now? Yes....its 50 something degrees out right now!

7. Do you have a car worth over $2000? Yes

8. When was the last time you drove out of town? Haha, does the next town over count? Then today....if not, then, not sure

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Nope

10. Are you hot? Uh, no

11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Mountain Dew

12. What are you wearing right now? Pants, t-shirt, sweatshirt, socks

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? Car wash

14. Last food you ate? Chicken salad and bread from Logan's

15. Where were you last week at this time? At home

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Nope

17. When was the last time you ran? When Lily was being WAY too quiet in the bathroom, haha.

18. What was the last sporting event you watched? There was football on TV at the restaurant tonight that I briefly glanced at?

19. Your favorite animal? Cats

20. Your dream vacation? With kids would be a Disney cruise, with plenty of hands to help. No kids some place far away with great food, a big comfy bed and plenty to read.

21. Last person’s house you were in? My sister's

22. Worst injury you ever had? Dislocated knee cap

23. Have you been in love? Yup

24. Do you miss anyone right now? Yeah

25. Last play you saw? Mamma Mia

26. What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? No idea

27. What are your plans for tonight? Kids in bed, reading, tv

28. Who is the last person to send you a Facebook message or comment? Justine K
Maybe Louisville

30. Ever go camping? Yes

31. Were you an honor student in school? Yup

32. What do you want to know about the future? Nothing!!

33. Are you wearing perfume or cologne? I'm wearing deodorant...

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor’s visit? Should I? Yes, lol.

35. Where is your best friend? Probably on her computer

36. How is your best friend? She is someone that knows me inside and out.

37. Do you have a tan? My socks have better tan than I do.

38. What are you listening to right now? TV and dryer
Movies and books

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? I plead the 5th.

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? Last winter....thank you Matt

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Sometimes

43. What does your last text message say? Nnnoooo!!!! LMAO< inside joke ;)

44. Do you like hot sauce? Nope

45. Last time you took a shower? About 13 hours ago

46. Do you need to do laundry? It's already in the dryer!

47. What is your heritage? I'm a white girl...part irish, dutch, german

48. Are you someone’s best friend? Yes

49. Are you rich? Far from it!

50. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Trying to fall asleep!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A post you have probably seen a lot today...

But still, I am posting also. Where were you 8 years ago today and what were you doing? I had the day off from child care, but we received a call from James' dad telling us to turn the news on. We got up and turned the TV on, saw the building, and then a short time later, the second plane. He went to work, and I continued to watch for hours. I remember ironing and starching his uniforms after he called and asked me to because there was a chance that he would be sent to NY for help with search and rescue. I remember my dad calling me and telling me to go get gas because the price was going to go way up.

In memory of all those lives affected by the attacks on 9/11/01, may we never forget!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Third Day of School

I guess I never did get around to posting about day one....oops! He did great, go on the bus no problem and didn't even turn around to wave goodbye! Today was his third day of school though. And also the day that James had to head back to New York for work. Riley knew that James had to leave today, and he wouldn't be here when he got home from school. James told him that he would come have lunch with him at school, so he did. Then he went to recess with him (they invite parents to join the kids for lunch and recess if they would like to). His teacher had to pry Riley off James leg when he went to leave and James told me that Riley was yelling 'Don't leave Daddy' while he walked away. The teacher said he cried for about 10 minutes after that, then they were able to get him calmed down. Around 1:30 (about 2 hours after James left) I get a phone call. Riley wanted to call me. The teacher said he had been fine since that 10 minute cry, but when Riley was on the phone he said he wanted to go home :( We ended up picking him up so he could take daddy to the airport and say goodbye again. James was supposed to call on his layover but must not have had time to do it since we didn't get a call. Riley also got his first set of homework today. And promptly got very upset with me that I wouldn't let him do it on his bed, and that he had to wait to do his homework til I could tell him what he needed to do. *Sigh* At least he WANTS to do it, lol

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Big Day is Coming!

My little (big) boy is going to be starting Kindergarten! Finally, lol! On Wednesday morning from 8:45 til 10:30 we will take him to school for orientation. He will meet the teacher, along with us. He will get to see the other kids in his class also. A friend of mine used to work at that school and she said the teacher that he was assigned is a very good teacher and easily relates to the children and the parents. Depending on where we find a house at, he may not attend that school for long :( But, that is something he needs to be prepared for, being as he is a military brat, lol. James will be here tomorrow and this week will be spent looking at houses. It will be a busy week with school starting, house hunting, both kids have doctor's appointments (Riley needs to have his physical for school done on Friday...a little after school starts, but it was the best we could do!). Lily has her 3 year check up. Hopefully her weight is at least on the bottom of the chart and not completely off of it (it looks like she needs to be at least 26 pounds to be on the chart, lol). I have a few concerns that I would like to talk to the doctor being Riley biting his nails. I bought some Thum today and we will try using that this week....if it doesn't work, then I will ask his doc if there is something better to use. Also, he still wears a diaper at night. And every time I ask she always says not to worry about it til he is 7 or 8. He will be 6 soon. Really, I just want to be able to stop buying diapers! Every once in a while when he has a sleepover at my sister's house she would forget to put a diaper on him and he would wake up dry. But that NEVER happens at home. *Sigh* Also, his weight. I think he is still in the ok range, but want to make sure. Both kids will need the flu shot also (although it will probably not be available til October or so). Lily also has a shot (although I am not sure what shot it is, lol) that has been unavailable since she was 18 months old that she needs. Lead test also (she has never had one, better safe than sorry). A lot of this is meaningless, but if I type it down then I can write it down later to remember, lol!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mamma Mia!

I know! Two blog posts in one day! Unusual! But this one I am really excited about! Tomorrow at 2 I am going to go see Mamma Mia! Bri from church (Lily's BFF's mom) invited me to go since she had an extra ticket! I am so excited to see it! I will update tomorrow night (maybe, know how it is with me sometimes!) about how it was!

Just blah......and our week

I am in a slump. Not really sure why. Not feeling depressed or anything, just kinda blah.

The other day, the kids were in my room on the computer. Then they start fighting over who gets to sit in the chair at the desk. Nevermind the fact that there is a chair directly next to that chair with the same view. *Rolling my eyes* Well, they are arguing....then the blood curdling scream starts. From Riley. Lily got mad and decided to bite him. On his back near his armpit. He was wearing a shirt but she bit so hard that she drew blood on him through his shirt! She got spanked and sent to her room. Of course, the next two hours Riley kept crying in agony (my little drama queen!).

The next day we go to the library. I tell them before we go in: You have to be quiet, you must NOT run, you have to walk. We are going to look for mommy books first, THEN we can go downstairs and look at the kids books. Needless to say, the quiet and don't run do NOT happen while upstairs. So of course Lily trips and falls....on that really awful carpet that will skin your knees when you fall. Crying ensues. *Sigh* So after finding 3 books for me (out of a long list- I was too stressed to look anymore for me) we head downstairs. Where they play puppets for all of two minutes, then do puzzles (for less than a minute) then they go sit in the boat (a wooden table with benches inside there). By the time I find them a few books, they are running again....time to go. So I tell them to come with me to go upstairs and checkout. Of COURSE, Riley runs. And trips. On that horrid carpet. All out wailing ensues. I clamp my hand on his mouth and quickly head for the elevator. Shut the doors, unclamp my hand from his mouth, and wait to push the button til he stops wailing. We finally get back upstairs, check out and leave.

Today we went to a family reunion at a park. The kids see the playground and want to go play, but I tell them they need to eat first. After they ate grandpa took them to the playground (bless him!). They played, they ate, played some more, ate some more, played, ate. I tell them we are going to the bathroom so we can leave (it is a 40 minute drive to this park and they both just drank half a cup of ginger ale, don't want accidents, lol). They go potty and we start walking towards the car. Apparently Riley ran over his big toe with the bathroom door on his way out. He acts fine til he looks down and see blood. Wailing ensues (getting the picture of how much of a drama queen he can be?? Wailing can happen over almost anything with him!). I get him to sit, use a babywipe to wrap around his toe and give hima piggy back ride back to the car. Remember how Riley is big for his age?? He is 4 foot tall and 50+ pounds....on my back. Not an easy walk to the car for me! Get them loaded up, say bye to my mom (kinda had to call by to everyone as we walked by to the car). First 10 minutes of the drive, crying, wailing, the wipe fell off, etc. Then (blessedly!) he fell asleep. He tells me he can't walk from the car to the apartment.....but he had to. He spent the next two hours on the couch complaining of how bad it hurts. Then he didn't want a bath because his toe hurt. Sorry, too bad! Turns out that the bath did not kill him or make his toe fall off, lol. And now, they sleep (after being in trouble multiple times for being out of bed.....grrr). So, now you have a sort of picture of how our week usually goes.

Also, we are house hunting. I want to stay in Mishawaka or Osceola (Osceola being more preferable). Possibly Elkhart, but we have to be careful because some of those neighborhoods look nice, but are ghetto (like rob you in your front yard at gunpoint in broad daylight ghetto- happened to my uncle a couple months ago). James keeps looking further away (I think mainly because it is cheaper, and the garages are a lot bigger). I really wouldn't mind if we didn't live in an area that gets bombarded with major snow from Dec 1 to the beginning of March. But I do not want to live out in the sticks where you wait for days for the roads to be plowed! Even if the ones in the town are plowed, the ones between town and my family probably are not. So we are looking. And I hope to win this battle. Because right now I am the one living here alone and having to drive. And I do NOT want to be stuck in a house where I don't know anyone for a week or more due to the roads. And I don't want to have to drive 30 miles to get to a 'real' store, lol. So pray for us, that we can find something we both can live with, nearby......oh and that my kids do not drive me to the edge of insanity!

One more thing. Riley starts full day kindergarten on August 18th! YAY! James is planning on being here for his first day of school. He is looking forward to it (and so am I ;)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

NOT a good way to wake up!

Apparently Lily pooped in her pull up this morning. She said she told James (he doesn't remember her telling him). I woke up to find a poopy pull up on my bedroom floor with wipes in it. Then I wonder where she is......I call for her and she doesn't answer....when I get into the hallway I see the bathroom door open with the light on. I find her sitting on the bathroom counter.....and she PEED up there also. Not only that, but she has a bunch of medicine out of the cabinet on the counter with her, the toothbrushes and toothpaste, butt cream. She used her potty to climb up there from the looks of it. *SIGH* So I spent my morning cleaning the bathroom up, then putting her in the tub. NOT a good way to start the day!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Funny thing they talked about today.......

After the kids bath Riley said out of the blue, mommy horses don't have penises do they? Before I could even answer, Lily blurts out, Horses have Biiigggg penises! It was all I could do not to fall off the bed laughing! What do you even say to that?!?!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Leaving soon....

for Disney!!! YAY! Just waiting for James to get back here before we load up the car, go get my mom and head to Indianapolis. Because of course, men have to wait til the last minute to do things....grrrr! He took off to get a hair cut and drop off the motorcycle at his Grandma's garage for while we are gone. Oh, did I mention he got a motorcycle? GRRRRR.......a 2004 Harley Roadster (I think that's what he said at least). It was delivered here yesterday (they wouldn't let him drive it off the lot since he only has a motorcycle permit). So he rode it for all of 10 minutes before it started to rain, hahaha. And 5 minutes after he left here this morning it started raining again!

Anyway, back to Disney! We will be back on the 24th, so we have a whole week in Florida! We'll also be visiting Sea World. Maybe Busch Gardens (although not as likely since there isn't much the kids can do there). Seems like there is something else he talked about doing, but I don't remember what, lol. Universal Studios maybe? I will most likely not blog while away, but I will try to get pics up on Facebook!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Lily is teething....

She is working on her molars. I know this, she knows this and anyone within 100 yards of her has probably figured it out with her mood swings. She is in pain, I understand and sympathize. She has taken teething to a whole new level though. She is chewing on her fingers, her toys. The new one though- everything! I woke up Monday morning to her asking me to put Cooking Mama in the Nintendo DS for her to problem. Except when I loo at the DS. Riley has a Nerf case on it to help protect it from the kids. However when i saw the case Monday morning there was a huge chunk missing off of it. In the shape of a bite mark. She bit a piece off of the case and then threw it away figuring I wouldn't notice if I didn't see the piece on the floor. *Sigh* Then today after my shower I notice a chunk of something black on the floor. I pick it up and it feels kinda spongy. I wonder for a minute what the heck it is. Then I realize. A piece of flip flop. A piece of James' flip flop that he used to shower in while in Iraq *barf*. SHe actually bit off a chunk of his flip flop! Pray that this ends soon! She has me at my wits end! Oh and today she poured her container of bug juice all over herself and the table. Grrrr!!!!!

Slowly Losing my Sanity

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I HATE that car!

Have I ever mentioned that before? Cause I really truly do! James '93 Camaro is such a POS! He told me last night that he thinks the transmission is going out. After he put in a new engine last year and just spent $1,000 on that car three weeks ago getting it ready to go to NY. I want to scream! I should have pushed it into the river before he came back, lol!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Don't sweat the small stuff...

I think I really need to make that my way of life. I frequently stress myself out over stuff that I really shouldn't. It would save me a lot of stress and headaches if I could put that into practice in my life. All the small things that I snap over would be solved. I am kinda OCD about things. And not really sure why. I keep my house picked up all the time. When a friend was over recently, I started picking thing up the moment the kids abandoned them. I cannot stand having the kids have stuff all over the house, so I pick it up multiple times a day. Does it matter really if the kids splash water out of the tub during a bath (assuming they are not flooding the bathroom anyway, lol). Is it really that bad if they play in the sink in there? I snap at them for doing things that I am sure lots of kids do, and most parents overlook. I hover. At another friends house I hovered over her 1 year old afraid that he would topple off the porch, then hovered over my kids as they climbed up the ladder to the slide that reached my head at the top. I don't want them to get hurt, to the point that there are things I won't let them do. Not always a bad thing, but sometimes it is. I don't let Lily go down stairs by herself if it is more than two or three steps down. She is actually pretty careful on stairs, but that what if always lingers in my head. It doesn't really matter if they decide to dip their fingers in their ranch at dinner, but it bothers me. So I tell them to stop. I want the kids at bed at precisely the right time, and if we are running behind I get frazzled. I want more patience with my kids. I NEED more patience with my kids. *Sigh* Not much of a point to all this, just needing to get it all written down!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

James is on his way!

His flight comes in at 11:58 today into our hometown! The kids have no idea, it will be a surprise for them! He is hoping he can be here for a week. I just hope that he spends plenty of quality time with the kids! They have missed him!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Am I really strong enough for this?

Days like this I doubt it. I don't know if I can handle another year on my own. I know single moms do it, and I am not sure how. Maybe its because most of them have to work, so they aren't with their kids 24/7 without a break. I am really hoping that my sister feels better and that she will come watch the kids even though they are being whiney brats. *sigh* I know they don't feel well, but man! This is jsut yet another rant on my blog......seems like thats all I do on here, but oh well! If you read it, deal with it ;)

Monday, March 23, 2009

I think it is decided.....

Due to crazy costs, I think the kids and I will be staying here in Indiana once James gets back from Iraq. Neither one of us wants to be apart, but $6000 just to get a place ($2000 each for rent, security, and broker fee for a two bedroom apartment- yikes!) not including the cost of moving, is just insane! James wants to look at houses here to buy for when he retires, so if we find one, then we will move into that while he is in NY. Once he leaves NY we will move with him (hopefully to KY right Jammie? ;) When he gets back he will come out here for a while, or we will go out there for a while....not sure which yet. Now off to make my next huge rant!

Friday, March 20, 2009

A few more weeks.....

Til James gets back from Iraq! They will go from Iraq, to California, then back to New York, THEN they can return to their families (not sure how much 'free' time they are giving him off yet- hopefully two weeks at least!). He said he should be back in NY by Easter- that's just a little over three weeks away! We will be glad to have him back safe! Then we will be counting down to our Disney Vacation! If my mom still doesn't have a job by then, she said she will come with us to Florida! I am hoping Steph and Jammie find a way to make it to Disney to see me! And hopefully Nessa has had her baby or is still feeling good enough to see me!!! Although I personally am hoping to meet her baby in person. ;) Oh and god bless the mail lady! She had to drag James VERY heavy foot locker to my apartment this morning and was very nice about it, and wished us well for his return! We still haven't figured out what we are doing once he returns moving wise. As of right now we are waiting to see when they are sending him to SSGT course and all that. I would like to be settled somewhere before Riley starts school though!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big words from little mouths

Recently I have noticed that both kids are using larger words. Like Riley asking myself or Lily 'Is that really necessary?' LOL, YES he really says that! (Wonder where he heard that from? ;) So today the kids were playing hair salon on me. I would look in the mirror to see what they did to me, and say something like 'Oh! Gorgeous!' Which of course they would repeat! Beautiful! Marvelous! Fantastic! The only catch- Lily is REALLY starting to repeat things.....even naughty things they may slip out of my mouth from time to time...oops! It is just cute to hear the kids using bigger words!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Promotion and Disney World!

James found out last week that sometime this summer he will go from Sgt to Staff Sgt! So we are excited about that! We are also making plans for our very first vacation! We're gong to Disney World! None of us have ever been there, so we are excited. We will be going from May 16-23 and will get 5 day passes to Disney itself. We will probably also try to go to Sea World, Busch Gardens and Universal Studios. I can't wait! He should be home before his birthday, so that is good too!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Potty Training

So I have decided to take the plunge and attempt potty training with Lily. After breakfast she asked to go potty. Fine by me! So she went in and pooped on the potty! I asked if she was done, she says no and sits back down. Then she pees! YAY! So far she has been wearing her panties for about 4 hours (or close to it). And so far no accidents! Now, I am not stupid enough to think this is it, that PTing is now accomplished, but I am hopeful!!!

*ETA* She did very well for her first day in panties! She had one accident where she peed her pants, but that was it! YAY!

*After 3 days, I have decided that neither she, nor I am ready for this. *Sigh*

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A First For Lily!

A few days ago like usual Lily wanted to go potty before she got in the bathtub. She stands up and tells me she pooped...she always says she poops, whether she only pees or does nothing, lol. Well, this time she actually did! Yay Lily!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Riley's First Day of Preschool!

Today was Riley's first day of preschool- yay for mommy! LOL! I walked him in today and took him downstairs to his class. He went straight for the tool bench (that he has been talking about since he first saw it over 2 weeks ago) and started playing. I am hoping he does ok....the real test is seeing if he is ok tomorrow when I drop him off at the door and I don't go in with him. I will update more about it and what he says about school later tonight!

*UPDATE* He is now home from Preschool- the teacher said he did great and doesn't think the smile ever left his face, lol! He is ready to go back again tomorrow. His only disappointment was that I forgot today was show and tell day where he could bring in a toy to show the other kids. Oops! YAY for preschool!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The escapades of a two year old

So I let Lily sleep in her toddler bed the past two nights again instead of the playpen. I had been keeping her in the playpen because she was getting out of bed at 5am when in her toddler bed. Saturday night she went to bed and fell asleep immediately (she had a sleep over at her cousin's house the night before, so no naps for two days, she was exhausted). She didn't get up until 7:30 Sunday morning. I was hoping for the same this morning, but no. I woke up at 5 to my TV on and Lily on her princess couch in my room. And when I get ready to turn the TV off I notice she has something. The box of Kleenex out of my bathroom. And if she had just taken one, even two no big deal. But no....she has ALL of the kleenex out of the box- the box I just opened two days ago. *SIGH* She just kept pulling more and more out. I took it away, shoved them all back in the box, told her to lay down and went back to sleep......which I did until Riley got up at 6 and they got up and started playing. I think tonight she is going in the playpen- I can't handle having to be up that early for no reason, lol! Oh, and when she is in the playpen, she sleeps til 7:30-8:30.....which is why 6 seems WAY too early! She has been cranky all morning, no doubt because she didn't enough sleep!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lily's Birth Story

My pregnancy with Lily was pretty uneventful. They thought I had borderline diabetes, so I had to test my blood sugar once every morning when I got up. I gained hardly anything with her compared to Riley, lol. My OB was great- Riley loved her because she let him help find the heartbeat at every appointment. I started getting pretty bad swelling in my feet/ankles (otherwise known as cankles at that time!) around 34 weeks. To the point that my sandals would leave massive indents in my feet if I wore them too long. At 37 weeks 6 days, around noon I felt what I thought might be heartburn. Until it came again 5 minutes later and then moved to my back. I timed a few more, then called my mom and told her it was time for her to come home from work, then I called my OB who told me to head to the hospital immediately (history of short labors in my family, she did not want me to wait). My mom showed up 10 minutes from the time I called her to the house- and it is a good 20 minute drive :O I hadn't even called my sister yet to come get Riley. My sister ended up showing up around 1. Of course, on the way to the hospital we have to go over railroad tracks. And there was a train. And once that one was done there was another. At that point my contractions are about 3 minutes apart (which is freaking my mom out, even though I tell her I am ok, lol). We make it to the hospital around 2, by the time the monitor me for an hour (because apparently I wasn't acting like I was in enough pain to be in labor) they send me to a real room (where I can roll onto my side without fear of falling off the bed). Again, I ask for an epidural because the back labor was really painful. In the meantime I did get a shot of Nubain- which was completely pointless as it did NOTHING to help with pain. The epi man shows up at 4:10- along with my OB to check me. Who says that I am 10 cm and ready to push.....but that if I really want an epidural, she will let me get it first. I decline and start pushing. Lily was born at 4:20 weighing in at 5 lbs 5 oz and 18 inches. James did not get to see her in person until she was 2.5 months old since he was in Iraq. And Riley loved her from the day he met her :D

Riley's Birth Story

I was 36 weeks and 3 days when I had my doctor appointment. Up until that appointment my pregnancy had been going fine, although I had been concerned about weight gain and swelling. For due reason, I found out that day. My BP was higher than normal. It was usually about 110/80. When I went in it was 156/110. They had me lay on my side for a while and retook it to find it the same. They sent me to the lab to have some tests done and sent me home with a big container to dump my urine in (oh joy) for 24 hours. Did that and took it to the hospital, had more blood drawn. They wanted to see me again the next day. My BP was still up there, so they decided that it was time. They told me to be there at 6am the next day for an induction. So we made it there by 6. By 7 they finally had me hooked up to an IV with a pitocin drip in. My 8 my arm is huge, bulging around the tape they used to tape the IV line with. The IV wasn't where it was supposed to be, so a million sticks later, they get it in my hand. I was contracting when I got to the hospital, even though I wasn't feeling them. By 9 my doctor shows up to check on me. SHe decides to break my water to speed things up (I was 4 cm, 80% effaced by then). Within a half hour I want my epidural- there was no slow build up of contractions, they were just suddenly there, long and close together. There was a big emergency downstairs, so the epi man couldn't get up to me for a while. So I took a shot of Nubain instead- which made me groggy so I couldn't hold my eyes open, and did NOTHING for pain. Epi man shows up at 11:40 finally, along with my doctor to check me. So much for an epi- it was time to push. Riley was born at 37 weeks at 11:50am weighing 6 lb 12 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. He was monitored in the nursery for an hour or so to keep an eye on his breathing, but he was just fine!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Riley's favorite Christmas Gift

So Riley wanted ROck Band for Christmas- he got up on Santa's lap and told him all about the drum set he wanted for Christmas. Christmas morning he wakes up and while he is eating breakfast is looking at the presents and says in a disappointed voice 'Santa didn't bring me the drum set!' He didn't see a box big enough for it. Well, to his surprise, I set it up inside the castle that Lily got for Christmas so he wouldn't know about it til all the presents were opened (sneaky I know!). He was so excited when he finally saw it! He said 'OH! SANTA GOT ME A DRUM SET!' He was quite excited and hasn't hardly stopped playing it yet! Here's a pic of when he first saw it....and the robe was from Daddy to him for Christmas.


Happy New Year!

It is officially 2009- the start of a new year. James is still in Iraq, scheduled to come back in a few months, but he may be coming home for 20 days and going right back over there for another 6+ months. *SIGH* My niece and nephew have been here since Monday and I am still alive, lol. Actually, they keep my kids busy for the most part. I am hoping my sister will return the favor and take my kids for a night or two *but I won't hold my breath on that* Not a whole lot to report around here....just taking it day by day. McCreepy is still creepy, and I found footprints in the snow within 6 feet of my patio that I have a strong suspicion was him. I am watching...all the time. And he now blares music all hours, day or night. The office is going to get a call about that. Lily is doing good- still small for her age, loves anything Princesses, but starting to get a bit of attitude at times.
Riley is good- huge for his age but still throws fits like there is no tomorrow. And he starts preschool next week! He will go Tu-Wed-Th 12:45 to 3:15. So that will be nice for him and for me :D