Saturday, June 5, 2010


Riley just finished up Kindergarten!  His teacher had nothing but good things to say about him.  He LOVES school (even the homework!) and did really well.  I hope his love of school continues!  He tested out average in a few things but everything else was above average :)  There was a girl he said he played with at recess all the time, her name was Emilie....I teased him that she was his girlfriend and he would turn bright red, haha! He also loves to play football with Jon (who is 17) after church every Sunday, and of course he still loves video games.

Lily LOVED preschool!  She was so cute for her preschool presentation where they sang some songs.  She is so much more outgoing than Riley!  She will sit with just about anyone at church, but has a fascination with Andrew (who is 26 lol).  She says that Andrew is her boyfriend!  Although when she found out Andrew and Anna are going to have a boy she said that the baby will be her boyfriend, lol!  She is very....expressive, lol....she does the eye rolls with her hands on her hips and is bossy but at the same time she will bat her eyes and wink at you too ;)

And me?  Well, I am still here and making it.  I have my bad days and my good days.  And some awesome weekends with my friends in far away places ;)  Still trying to figure out where my life is going and what I am going to do.