Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big words from little mouths

Recently I have noticed that both kids are using larger words. Like Riley asking myself or Lily 'Is that really necessary?' LOL, YES he really says that! (Wonder where he heard that from? ;) So today the kids were playing hair salon on me. I would look in the mirror to see what they did to me, and say something like 'Oh! Gorgeous!' Which of course they would repeat! Beautiful! Marvelous! Fantastic! The only catch- Lily is REALLY starting to repeat things.....even naughty things they may slip out of my mouth from time to time...oops! It is just cute to hear the kids using bigger words!


Jammie said...

LOL, that's so cute! I love when little ones learn big words!

Katrina said...

I SO need a video of that little girl!! >:)

marineof2 said...

I know KT! I wish my camera did video! That is the one thing I miss about my crappy Kodak camera, lol!

Nicole said...

How grown up of them. ;) Who said they could do that?