Saturday, January 10, 2009

A First For Lily!

A few days ago like usual Lily wanted to go potty before she got in the bathtub. She stands up and tells me she pooped...she always says she poops, whether she only pees or does nothing, lol. Well, this time she actually did! Yay Lily!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Riley's First Day of Preschool!

Today was Riley's first day of preschool- yay for mommy! LOL! I walked him in today and took him downstairs to his class. He went straight for the tool bench (that he has been talking about since he first saw it over 2 weeks ago) and started playing. I am hoping he does ok....the real test is seeing if he is ok tomorrow when I drop him off at the door and I don't go in with him. I will update more about it and what he says about school later tonight!

*UPDATE* He is now home from Preschool- the teacher said he did great and doesn't think the smile ever left his face, lol! He is ready to go back again tomorrow. His only disappointment was that I forgot today was show and tell day where he could bring in a toy to show the other kids. Oops! YAY for preschool!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The escapades of a two year old

So I let Lily sleep in her toddler bed the past two nights again instead of the playpen. I had been keeping her in the playpen because she was getting out of bed at 5am when in her toddler bed. Saturday night she went to bed and fell asleep immediately (she had a sleep over at her cousin's house the night before, so no naps for two days, she was exhausted). She didn't get up until 7:30 Sunday morning. I was hoping for the same this morning, but no. I woke up at 5 to my TV on and Lily on her princess couch in my room. And when I get ready to turn the TV off I notice she has something. The box of Kleenex out of my bathroom. And if she had just taken one, even two no big deal. But no....she has ALL of the kleenex out of the box- the box I just opened two days ago. *SIGH* She just kept pulling more and more out. I took it away, shoved them all back in the box, told her to lay down and went back to sleep......which I did until Riley got up at 6 and they got up and started playing. I think tonight she is going in the playpen- I can't handle having to be up that early for no reason, lol! Oh, and when she is in the playpen, she sleeps til 7:30-8:30.....which is why 6 seems WAY too early! She has been cranky all morning, no doubt because she didn't enough sleep!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lily's Birth Story

My pregnancy with Lily was pretty uneventful. They thought I had borderline diabetes, so I had to test my blood sugar once every morning when I got up. I gained hardly anything with her compared to Riley, lol. My OB was great- Riley loved her because she let him help find the heartbeat at every appointment. I started getting pretty bad swelling in my feet/ankles (otherwise known as cankles at that time!) around 34 weeks. To the point that my sandals would leave massive indents in my feet if I wore them too long. At 37 weeks 6 days, around noon I felt what I thought might be heartburn. Until it came again 5 minutes later and then moved to my back. I timed a few more, then called my mom and told her it was time for her to come home from work, then I called my OB who told me to head to the hospital immediately (history of short labors in my family, she did not want me to wait). My mom showed up 10 minutes from the time I called her to the house- and it is a good 20 minute drive :O I hadn't even called my sister yet to come get Riley. My sister ended up showing up around 1. Of course, on the way to the hospital we have to go over railroad tracks. And there was a train. And once that one was done there was another. At that point my contractions are about 3 minutes apart (which is freaking my mom out, even though I tell her I am ok, lol). We make it to the hospital around 2, by the time the monitor me for an hour (because apparently I wasn't acting like I was in enough pain to be in labor) they send me to a real room (where I can roll onto my side without fear of falling off the bed). Again, I ask for an epidural because the back labor was really painful. In the meantime I did get a shot of Nubain- which was completely pointless as it did NOTHING to help with pain. The epi man shows up at 4:10- along with my OB to check me. Who says that I am 10 cm and ready to push.....but that if I really want an epidural, she will let me get it first. I decline and start pushing. Lily was born at 4:20 weighing in at 5 lbs 5 oz and 18 inches. James did not get to see her in person until she was 2.5 months old since he was in Iraq. And Riley loved her from the day he met her :D

Riley's Birth Story

I was 36 weeks and 3 days when I had my doctor appointment. Up until that appointment my pregnancy had been going fine, although I had been concerned about weight gain and swelling. For due reason, I found out that day. My BP was higher than normal. It was usually about 110/80. When I went in it was 156/110. They had me lay on my side for a while and retook it to find it the same. They sent me to the lab to have some tests done and sent me home with a big container to dump my urine in (oh joy) for 24 hours. Did that and took it to the hospital, had more blood drawn. They wanted to see me again the next day. My BP was still up there, so they decided that it was time. They told me to be there at 6am the next day for an induction. So we made it there by 6. By 7 they finally had me hooked up to an IV with a pitocin drip in. My 8 my arm is huge, bulging around the tape they used to tape the IV line with. The IV wasn't where it was supposed to be, so a million sticks later, they get it in my hand. I was contracting when I got to the hospital, even though I wasn't feeling them. By 9 my doctor shows up to check on me. SHe decides to break my water to speed things up (I was 4 cm, 80% effaced by then). Within a half hour I want my epidural- there was no slow build up of contractions, they were just suddenly there, long and close together. There was a big emergency downstairs, so the epi man couldn't get up to me for a while. So I took a shot of Nubain instead- which made me groggy so I couldn't hold my eyes open, and did NOTHING for pain. Epi man shows up at 11:40 finally, along with my doctor to check me. So much for an epi- it was time to push. Riley was born at 37 weeks at 11:50am weighing 6 lb 12 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. He was monitored in the nursery for an hour or so to keep an eye on his breathing, but he was just fine!