Saturday, May 16, 2009

Leaving soon....

for Disney!!! YAY! Just waiting for James to get back here before we load up the car, go get my mom and head to Indianapolis. Because of course, men have to wait til the last minute to do things....grrrr! He took off to get a hair cut and drop off the motorcycle at his Grandma's garage for while we are gone. Oh, did I mention he got a motorcycle? GRRRRR.......a 2004 Harley Roadster (I think that's what he said at least). It was delivered here yesterday (they wouldn't let him drive it off the lot since he only has a motorcycle permit). So he rode it for all of 10 minutes before it started to rain, hahaha. And 5 minutes after he left here this morning it started raining again!

Anyway, back to Disney! We will be back on the 24th, so we have a whole week in Florida! We'll also be visiting Sea World. Maybe Busch Gardens (although not as likely since there isn't much the kids can do there). Seems like there is something else he talked about doing, but I don't remember what, lol. Universal Studios maybe? I will most likely not blog while away, but I will try to get pics up on Facebook!


Anonymous said...

OH you will love Busch gardins, my kids liked it more than sea world!! there are so many animals to see! well they had fun both places but the animals were so much fun!!

Jessica Marcie said...

I think we need some pictures of this trip!!!!

marineof2 said...

Pics will be coming soon I promise! I have yet to load them, and today I am feeling crappy from allergies....hopefully before the weekend they will be up though!