I think I really need to make that my way of life. I frequently stress myself out over stuff that I really shouldn't. It would save me a lot of stress and headaches if I could put that into practice in my life. All the small things that I snap over would be solved. I am kinda OCD about things. And not really sure why. I keep my house picked up all the time. When a friend was over recently, I started picking thing up the moment the kids abandoned them. I cannot stand having the kids have stuff all over the house, so I pick it up multiple times a day. Does it matter really if the kids splash water out of the tub during a bath (assuming they are not flooding the bathroom anyway, lol). Is it really that bad if they play in the sink in there? I snap at them for doing things that I am sure lots of kids do, and most parents overlook. I hover. At another friends house I hovered over her 1 year old afraid that he would topple off the porch, then hovered over my kids as they climbed up the ladder to the slide that reached my head at the top. I don't want them to get hurt, to the point that there are things I won't let them do. Not always a bad thing, but sometimes it is. I don't let Lily go down stairs by herself if it is more than two or three steps down. She is actually pretty careful on stairs, but that what if always lingers in my head. It doesn't really matter if they decide to dip their fingers in their ranch at dinner, but it bothers me. So I tell them to stop. I want the kids at bed at precisely the right time, and if we are running behind I get frazzled. I want more patience with my kids. I NEED more patience with my kids. *Sigh* Not much of a point to all this, just needing to get it all written down!
I hover too. I am always trying to "predict" an accident..lol But sure enough, the moment I let him out of arms reach there is always some sort of injury.
NO MY LOVE, YOU DONT NEED MORE PATIENCE! I have learned not to pray for patience, because then i just get more that i need to maintain patience with. You need to pary for wisdom in the little things, and strength to let the "not so big" but big things, not control you!
I'll be praying for you, I am in the same boat with you. ((HUGS))
I'm the anti-hover. ;) LOL ... Seriously, I try to stay out of their way as much as possible. I don't allow the dipping fingers into ranch or ketchup, b/c that's just bad manners, but overall I try to just let go. I mean, I do try to always know what's going on enough so that there is no major injury, but I won't prevent a minor injury. I feel like if I'm always preventing the minor injuries, or picking up their things for them (and they do help me do that), or always making sure they do it the right way, then they'll never learn to do it for themselves. Just my parenting philosophy. But you're a great mama whether you hover or not. And I love you. ;)
Thanks girls!
I try not to hover and sweat the small stuff. But then, I'm probably on the other side of the pendulum than you. Truth is though, I want to hover and snap a lot of times. But I have to keep myself from doing that because my dad was always yelling at me and punishing me for the smallest things. I'd get spanked for accidentally spilling juice or screamed at for putting ketchup on my eggs. He was the extreme and I don't want to be like that. You're just a little OCD like you said, there's nothing wrong with that. I will say though, when I force myself to not sweat the small stuff, I'm a lot less stressed out. LOL
I just found you! I saw that you posted on Nicole's blog!!!!!
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