Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Life, at times it seems to fly by, and at times it seems to crawl.  It's been quite a while since I have updated anything on here so here we go. 

Riley is 8 now and in second grade.  He is doing great in school!  He is disappointed that he still has yet to lose a tooth yet though lol.  He is still also terrified of blood.  He ran into a tree branch at Great Grandma's house on Sunday and kind of freaked out because he figured with how hard he hit it, it had to be bleeding.  It was more or a scrape than anything.  But it was on the bridge of his nose..if it hadn't been for the fact that he is wearing glasses now (forgot to mention that he is wearing glasses now) it probably would have hit his eye...his glasses deflected it though, thank goodness!  There was a time a few months ago that we woke up on Sunday morning and Lily was sick.  He was really upset about not being able to go to church, so we called around and found him a ride.  I am thankful that someone was willing to pick him up, but more than that- the fact that he wanted to go so badly!

Lily is 5 now and in Kindergarten.  She is still a girly girl.  She loves school and is doing well.  They actually sent her for additional testing to see if they should move her to an advanced class...we'll find out how that went in May.  She, like Riley, has yet to lose any teeth also lol.  She loves to go to church also.  She is the more outgoing of the two and when she gets going on a story, good luck getting a word in haha! 

Me.  Well, still married.  Hopefully we can get it all done soon.  He is still giving me issues about the settlement agreement- the only issue we can't get straightened out is the child support.  Pretty soon, I have a feeling the judge is just going to decide it.  I try to keep things civil with him, but he doesn't always make it possible.  I tried to talk to him the other day, and he just wanted to argue and rant at me.  I told him I wasn't doing it and hung up and got some nasty texts for it, but I just am not going to deal with that anymore.  He did take the kids from Sunday to Saturday afternoon for Spring Break (shocking I know!).  They seemed to have fun for the most part, although Lily did call on Thursday wanting to come home.  I felt bad and told her she had to stay with her dad because I wasn't feeling well :(  But she ended up being fine.  I am babysitting Eli who is now two, and Charlotte who is 9 months old.  Things are going well with that.  However, come summer I will have no employment again.  I won't be watching Eli come fall either, since he is going to get a new brother and his mom will stay home for that rest of the year.